*All images on my website and social media are taken on my Phone "on the go" by my kids. Many of my clients use a tripod with a remote shutter. When you know what kind of images you need, anyone can take them for you.

Visual Messaging DIY is a self-paced, online course that will help you to:

  • start creating great authentic photo content by yourself on the go with your phone without any preps and wasting time

  • have a library of images that are aligned with your message and ready to be paired with your copy at any time so you can easily keep consistency on SM

  • start using images as a marketing tool to target your market, position yourself as an authority, show social proof, build trust and excite people to work with you so your SM content is more effective



* For the price of a cup of coffee, take the opportunity to gain access to 2 powerful lessons from my Visual Messaging DIY course. Learn how to strategically use Sales Psychology to enhance your images to support your marketing. 

The Curriculum

This self-paced course is packed with the same strategies I teach my private clients.

Since you'll be working on your own, I've created 29 pre-recorded lessons (5-15 minutes each) to guide you.

Each lesson represents a step toward improving your images.

Take your time and follow the structured program. It will work if you keep taking pictures. Remember, I can't take the pictures for you.

Module #1: Introduction 


In this module, I will explain the significance of images in your business and unveil the power behind my Persuasive Photography Method.
Lessons # 1, 2.  

Module #2: 
Pillar #1 "Persuasive Images"

Before you start taking images, I will first explain the type of images you need. I will use examples to demonstrate how to incorporate "Foundational Rules of Persuasion" and "Principles that Drive People's Behavior" into your images.
Lessons # 3, 4, 5


Module #3:
Pillar #2 "Images on the go"

In this Module I will explain what you need in order to take pictures, how you are going to take them, the process of taking images itself, how to make your images different. With each lesson, you will start improving your images right away.
Lessons # 6-13

Module #4:
Pillar #3 "Visual Messaging"

In this Module you will learn how to take and edit images in a way to deliver a clear message you wanna people to "read" and how to focus on the subconscious impact that your images are going to have on your prospective clients.
Lessons # 14-19

Module #5:
Strategy for your photo content

You have the skills to capture and enhance images. Now, it's time to elevate your strategy behind your photo content. This is essential to always having fresh ideas for your images and ensuring that your message connects with your audience.
Lessons # 20-23

Module #6: Set up your SM & website(s) for success

At this moment, you have all the skills to effortlessly create your photo content on the go. You have your strategy. Now let's organize your online presence and help people choose YOU!
Lessons # 24-29

Bonus Section


Examples, Worksheets to help you put your photo content together.


For less than the cost of a new outfit, hair and makeup artist and professional brand photography shoot you can try it, discover a strategy to create all the images you need for your business and see the results for yourself.


I guarantee, you can easily start creating great authentic photo content. No photography experienced is required.


But don’t take my word for it…


This program is a self-paced version of my private Mentorship program. Here’s some testimonials from the Mentorship so you can get a feeling for the kinds of transformations that my clients have when they implement my Persuasive Photography Method:


*All images I used as covers for my clients' testimonials were taking by them with their phones on the go


Michelle Anne Hill / Habits and Nutrition Specialist

I wanted to use professional looking images without having to hire a photographer. At first, I thought the program would be intimidating because her pictures are so amazing but her directions were so easy to follow. And I was able to capture a photo of me, my son and my grandson and I truly cherish it. Now I have direction on what I’m posting and what to use on my website. I like to call the photos I take now ‘pictures with purpose.’ I never worry about the content I want to post because the images always tell a story.  My husband was skeptical about me signing up but he was so surprised how quickly I picked it up. You get to capture moments in your life… beautiful moments and you get to have these images forever and relive these moments.

8:10 min video


Deni Mariscal / Subconscious Healler

There was this frustration for me because I didn’t know what kind of pictures to post. Following Yulia, I really gravitated to her images. She puts things really simple so you’re able to follow her framework. After working with her I feel one thousand, one million percent confident I can put myself out there.

2:33 min video


Gudrun Mahlberg / Dance Therapist & Energy Healer

This changed my life and was far beyond what I expected from this course. What Yulia teaches transformed my everyday life. I started to see the beauty and the magic. I started to see how I had transformed; I couldn’t see this before. It was super practical. I get such heartfelt comments

3:19 min video


Kimberly Morrow / Spiritual Holistic Business Mentor 

You learn the solid foundation for the types of pictures you need to take and all the elements you need to hit for compelling photos. It proved to me that I was able to take incredible photos on my own.

3:11 min video


Victoria Brennan / Personal Development Coach 

Before Yulia, I looked like every other coach out there. What Yulia has done is help me to share my values. I have so much more gratitude for my life and my family. Some of the moments I’ve been able to capture are just beautiful. I had very rarely participated in family photographs. Her knowledge is incredible, she’ll help you learn what to look for, what to spot. People message me and say how much they love my photos because they are real.

5:22 min video


Justina Gonzalez / Sales Transformation Coach

I was in shock how Yulia is able to apply selling principles to pictures.  She is the one and only person who will teach you how to do this… to build know, like and trust in your images and authority in your profile.

2:17 min video

Help people CHOOSE YOU to work with!
Are you in?


* For the price of a cup of coffee, take the opportunity to gain access to 2 powerful lessons from my Visual Messaging DIY course. Learn how to strategically use Sales Psychology to enhance your images to support your marketing.