Mother daughter time in the changing room trying on some new clothes and having fun

Being Authentic in Your Daily Life vs. in Your Pictures

marketing May 01, 2024

Authenticity means staying true to your personality, values, and spirit.

Being authentic in your daily life is easy if this is who you naturally are, right? But…

Bringing that authenticity into your pictures? That’s a different story—it requires skill.

Most of us weren’t encouraged to be ourselves when having our picture taken as kids. Instead, we were told to stop what we were doing, look at the camera, and smile. Sound familiar? It’s what many people still do today—and pass on to their kids.

But if you want authentic photo content for your social media, it’s easier than you think. It doesn’t require staged selfies or photoshoots. You just need to know how to do it—and I’m happy to help. All you need is your phone!

So, when you look at your social media, does it reflect your personality, values, and spirit? (By the way, that’s your personal branding!)





Ready to start creating amazing visuals for your business?
Check out the Visual Messaging DIY courseā€”a self-paced, online program that will help you:

  1. Effortlessly create impactful photo content on the go, using just your phoneā€”no need for time-consuming preparation.

  2. Save money on professional photoshoots (most entrepreneurs only use a handful of images anyway) and always have the perfect image ready to pair with your message.

  3. Use visuals strategically to support your marketing: position yourself as an authority, build trust, target your ideal audience, and inspire people to work with you.

Unlock Your Visual Strategy

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